Who are you?
My name is Andrew, and I am a coder, a writer, a husband, a father, a dreamer, and a creator. I live in Chattanooga, TN.
What do you do?
I am a motivated, personable developer with more than 20 years of experience and a successful history of tackling technology challenges. I am a creative problem-solver that achieves quick results by thinking outside the box and using standards-based code. I am passionate about assisting users and companies to achieve their goals through innovative solutions.
I am flexible and versatile – able to maintain a sense of humor under pressure. I thrive in collaborative environments and am always receptive to feedback. I look for ways to improve as an individual, and also how to improve the offerings of whatever company I work for. I enjoy mentoring junior developers and encouraging them to reach new levels of their craft (see my articles and talks for examples).
Why do you do it?
I desire to connect people, companies, and technologies in a synergistic union because I believe applications can be used to aid people's daily lives. Technology and knowledge should be accessible to all people and available in a way that is simple and easy to use. I believe that I should make things easy for the user and difficult for myself. No shortcuts and no quick-fixes. Things should be done right the first time.
How was this site made?
This site was made using the Tailwind CSS framework and plain HTML and CSS.