Hi, I’m Andrew Steele A picture of Andrew Steele

LinkedIn GitHub Resumé

I am a staff-level, front end software engineer. I excel at untangling legacy code and making it more modern, adding and updating automated testing, and working with designers to realize their concepts. Here's what I bring to every role:

Check out my resumé for more of my history, or take a peek at some of my code examples and some of the articles I've written.

About Me

Who are you?

My name is Andrew, and I am a coder, a writer, a husband, a father, a dreamer, and a creator. I live in Chattanooga, TN.

What do you do?

I am a motivated, personable developer with more than 20 years of experience and a successful history of tackling technology challenges. I am a creative problem-solver that achieves quick results by thinking outside the box and using standards-based code. I am passionate about assisting users and companies to achieve their goals through innovative solutions.

I am flexible and versatile – able to maintain a sense of humor under pressure. I thrive in collaborative environments and am always receptive to feedback. I look for ways to improve as an individual, and also how to improve the offerings of whatever company I work for. I enjoy mentoring junior developers and encouraging them to reach new levels of their craft (see my articles and talks for examples).

Why do you do it?

I desire to connect people, companies, and technologies in a synergistic union because I believe applications can be used to aid people's daily lives. Technology and knowledge should be accessible to all people and available in a way that is simple and easy to use. I believe that I should make things easy for the user and difficult for myself. No shortcuts and no quick-fixes. Things should be done right the first time.

How was this site made?

This site was made using the Tailwind CSS framework and plain HTML and CSS.



Here are some examples of projects I've created. To see even more checkout my GitHub.


Hafcaf is an extremely minimal (1kb) single-page application (SPA) framework, designed for people who want to rapidly create apps without having to learn a whole new way to create apps. If you know HTML, a little CSS, and a very little JavaScript, you can be creating a SPA in less than five minutes.

  • No build tools needed - but you can integrate with them if you wish
  • Works as far back as IE 8
  • Designed to require the use of as little JavaScript as possible
  • Will play nice with pretty much all CSS frameworks


DeckOfCards.js is a JavaScript library for creating and manipulating decks of cards. It is designed to be easy to use and flexible, allowing you to create decks of any size and type, and to perform a wide range of operations on them. It was built using TypeScript.


More coming soon!

Hacking Games Together with React

Or: How to Do Things by Not Doing Nothing

Given at ChaDev 8/3/2017

Find Your Story

Build better sites by building better stories.

Given at ChaDev 9/17/2015

I like to whittle and do a very small amount of woodworking. I might post some examples here someday.

Eventually I will post information here about some of the games I've made, and probably also some of the games I enjoy playing.

I'm obsessed with collecting Print and Play games in particular, and solo ones especially. If you know of a good one and/or want a recommendation, let me know!

Here's a short poem I wrote while trying to come up with content for this space:

Roses are red,

Coding is hard,

Whatever you do,

Don't trust a developer bard.

I'll post some more interesting content here at some point in the future. Probably.

Info on how to contact me, should you for some reason desire to do so, will eventually go here.